Hip Conditions

  • Hip BursitisHip Bursitis

    Hip bursitis is a painful condition caused by the inflammation of a bursa in the hip. Bursae are fluid-filled sacs present in the joints between bone and soft tissue to reduce friction and provide cushioning during movement.

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  • Femoroacetabular ImpingementFemoroacetabular Impingement

    Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is a condition characterised by excessive friction in the hip joint from the presence of bony irregularities. These cause pain and decreased range of hip motion.

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  • Hip Labral TearHip Labral Tear

    A hip labral tear is an injury to the labrum, the cartilage that surrounds the outside rim of your hip joint socket.

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  • Osteoarthritis of the HipOsteoarthritis of the Hip

    Osteoarthritis, also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs most often in the elderly. This disease affects the tissue covering the ends of bones in a joint called cartilage.

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  • Hamstring InjuriesHamstring Injuries

    The hamstring is a group of three muscles that run along the back of the thigh from the hip to the knee. Hamstring injuries occur when these muscles are strained or pulled. They are common in dancers and athletes of all sorts including runners and those who play football, soccer, basketball, tennis, etc.

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  • Hip InstabilityHip Instability

    Hip instability can be traumatic or atraumatic. Traumatic instability can be caused by injuries from sports or motor vehicle accidents. These injuries can damage the bony structures, labrum and cartilage of the hip joint and can form loose bodies.

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  • Hip Cartilage InjuriesHip Cartilage Injuries

    Articular cartilage covering the hip joint can also be damaged by a direct blow to the outer part of the thigh. Femoroacetabular impingement or FAI can also cause chondral injuries.

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  • The Hip Preservation Institute
  • International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
  • Whitfield Clinic
  • Queen's University Belfast
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
  • RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland