Core Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Programmes

Physiotherapy plays a very important role in the recovery from injury or surgery for every sportsman and women. It is vital you are assessed by a specialist in hip and groin injuries so that the appropriate diagnosis can be made and the correct advice regarding physiotherapy or other treatment may be provided.

Many groin injuries will benefit from a period of supervised physiotherapy; injuries which require surgery will also benefit from both pre-operative physiotherapy and focused post-operative rehabilitation. The physiotherapy department at the Whitfield clinic provides experienced, full time support to patients attending the hip and groin clinic.

Each patient who requires physiotherapy will be provided with a specially tailored personal rehabilitation programme and will be encouraged to follow the programme with the supervision of an experienced therapist in their home area.

The physiotherapy programmes described below are designed to be used in conjunction with supervision by an experienced therapist with an interest in hip and groin injuries.

Rehabilitation following injury:

Initially following injury:

For any injury the early principles of management remain the same:

  • Complete rest for the limb involved is encouraged (the use of crutches is often necessary)
  • Placing covered ice packs over the injury for 10 – 15 minutes, four times a day, for at least five days will help with swelling/inflammation. (Do not place ice directly onto the skin as this may cause a burn)
  • A compression bandage may be used for hamstring or quads strain
  • If swelling exists, highly elevate limb regularly, when sitting or lying down
  • Anti-inflammatory medication will help with pain, swelling and return to function in many cases (a doctor should always be consulted first).

For more information click the below tab.

  • The Hip Preservation Institute
  • International Society for Hip Arthroscopy
  • Whitfield Clinic
  • Queen's University Belfast
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow
  • RCSI Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland